About Christie

I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. I have always had a passion for fitness. After a long, exciting career in law enforcement, in Pennsylvania, I retired at age 53 and moved to Naples, Florida to make my passion a reality.

I’m excited to share my passion to help you achieve your fitness goals!
In addition to my fitness passion, I love spending time with my husband Tom, at the beach or on his motorcycle.

 I am also an avid cyclist and enjoy seeing Naples on my bicycle.

My Mission

To assist clients in achieving their goals through fitness regardless or age or limitations.  

To assist our clients toward greater quality of life, by challenging their mind and body.

To provide a program designed specifically through strength, functional, and mobility straining.

1 on 1
Personal Training

Our 1 on 1 personal training program is designed to provide you with customized attention and support, ensuring that you achieve the results you desire.

Completely Mobile

Whether it be your home gym, workplace gym or friends gym or something creative we work out, I will come to you!  Personal Training on the go!

Improve Your Health

If you’re looking to make improvements to your overall health and wellness, then personal training may be just what you need! With the help of a personal trainer, you can receive customized workout plans that cater specifically to your fitness goals and health needs.

Heart Health

Personal training has been found to have numerous health benefits, one of which is improved heart health. Engaging in regular exercise with the help of a personal trainer has been shown to strengthen the heart muscle, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Improved Energy

Are you feeling tired and low on energy? Are you struggling to get through the day without feeling drained? If so, we have the perfect solution for you! Our personal training program is designed to improve your energy levels and help you feel your best

Benefits of 1 on 1 Training with Christie


As a personal trainer/coach, I will hold you accountable and keep you on track.  High accountability is important because YOU will be more aware of what you need to do, and you will reach your goal more effectively.    



I will be honest with you! As invested in your training as you are, I am invested in YOU.


 I am the personal trainer will give you the amount of challenge that’s just right for YOU.  You will be challenged to push yourself out of your comfort zone, where we grow the most physically and mentally.  This external motivation is a sure way to progress faster.  


One of the reasons to work with me is that I inform you of health and fitness.  I will explain exercises/workouts so you know why you are doing it.  In order to reach your goals, I can give you an understanding of nutrition and not falling into the quick gimmicks and shortcuts.



I will be there, when you need motivation and encouragement to get through those tough days.  Exercising is easy on the days we are really motivated, especially in the beginning. Exercising on the days we don’t want to is the hard part, I will continue to push you through. 

Customers reviews

What people say?

I haven’t worked out in a long time!! Christie inspired me to get back in the gym and push myself. With her guidance she pushed me to do my best and do things I never thought I could. She taught me the right way to position myself to get the most out of my workout. The proper stance and why it’s so important to hold your core!! I really enjoy working out with her and feel like I actually achieved my goal when finished. She’s definitely motivated me for sure!!
Satisfied Client
Thanks to the Naples Trainer, I was able to keep up with my fitness routine while on vacation in Naples, Florida. I was able to enjoy the indulgences of vacation without guilt because I was able to keep up with my workouts, and I had fun doing it with a certified NASM personal trainer who created workouts that were appropriate and challenging. The Naples trainer is not only knowledgeable but an amazing person who wants to see you succeed at being your best self. I liked her so much, that when I returned home from vacation I scheduled a virtual session with her. I highly recommend The Naples Trainer! ​
Satisfied Client
“Christie doesn’t just train you like you’re going through the motions. Rather she makes you feel instantly comfortable and helps you build on your goals each week while providing helpful tips and education! She works around your limitations if you had a prior injury and still manages to push you and introduce you to something new. She’s so patient and very good at motivating!!!” Highly recommend her as a personal trainer ! ​
Satisfied Client



Let’s Start Your Journey!

                                    Fill out the form below and we will find a time to meet and get moving!